Sunday, 23 September 2012


October 1986 was a defining moment for me.

I bought two of my normal comics, The Eagle and Battle Action Force, to find a free gift of a "Free Super Preview Issue!" of M.A.S.K.  I was intrigued and read it several times before the first issue of the comic eventually came out and this started my collection.

From all 80 issues, to the merger with Eagle and various Holiday Specials and Annuals - I collected them all.

Three years ago, I had just finished the rewrite of a script when i decided that it was about time for a M.A.S.K. movie - so I started writing a script.  A few months after I started it, my little boy Reece was Born and took up much of my time as did my Father's failing health until he passed away in May this year.

I am now keen to share my love of the comics with everyone, whilst I continue my journey to complete my script.




  1. Just found your blog courtesy Boulder-Hill.Net! Sounds like we share the same passion for M.A.S.K. in that me and my buddy Wyatt finished a script for a live action M.A.S.K. movie in 2010. We've since been promoting it and an overall movement for a movie through social media and our MASKast podcast. Will definitely pass the word along to our followers about your blog and the extensive reviews of the M.A.S.K. comics you've been posting! Looking forward to reading your reviews as we are about to review the DC and Mini Comics in the near future on MASKast. I've been able to collect a few of the Eagle magazine comics and really enjoy the uniqueness of their shear size and the stories. Looking forward to reading your posts and hear your viewpoint as a lifelong fan as I've only began to interact with the comics in the past year or so.


  2. Hey Jason,

    Thanks for your comments. I've been following your blog over the past year and have found them very entertaining and I'm glad you have a good following on your site.

    The comics are a great source of enjoyment and reference - especially for script backgrounds. The centre page spreads especially give a great insight to the vehicles, characters and Masks.

    Even in the UK, M.A.S.K.'s size was unique and larger than even it's stablemates - The Eagle, 2000AD, etc. You should consider investing in a complete collection of the UK comics. Beware, there are some very overpriced issues out there on EBAY and don't be fooled by "Rare" issues - there should be plenty supply of most issues.

    I'm still working on getting my script to the correct person but will keep you updated and if you need any advice on the comics let me know!

  3. Sounds like we took two different approaches add we used the animated series as more of a reference as we compiled ideas and wrote the script.

    I want sure of you knew about our drive to bring mask back when I first wrote this. We appreciate you following along over the past year!

  4. Hello Scott.

    Have recently dug out my old comics and had planned to do something similar to your blog. But on our FB page. Found you while scanning for issue 1 which didn't survive its time in storage beneath everything else.
    Now i think i'll just link the lads to your page.Seems much less work. :)

    1. Sounds good - would be great to have more readers - also have a Facebook page. If you're interested in helping me, give me a shout!
