Monday 20 June 2016

M.A.S.K. Revolutions - the real Revolution has begun

When IDW decided to call the reboot of their Hasbro Comics “Revolutions”, I wonder if they knew they would have a real Revolution on their hands….

When the initial details came out about IDW’s new M.A.S.K. Comic – the M.A.S.K. Community went into meltdown with excitement. Then the details about Revolutions and the Community started to split. The feelings were mixed about having M.A.S.K. as part of a larger Hasbro Multiverse.

With the last information and images emerging, many of the fans are enraged at the prospect of some the changes – the main one being the change in Race of beloved M.A.S.K. Leader, Matt Trakker.

We don’t know as yet whether the images provided are just concept drawings or whether these are the finished article.  The reason for this uncertainty is due to a difference in uniforms in various pictures.

In the example cover art that has come out, the uniforms are very similar to the M.A.S.K. we all know and love.  In the new images, they are significantly different.

This could be part of the plot line, however, the Revolutions story line is based on a seed from 2005 when IDW started The Transformers comics.  Will part of the story start off in 2005 and then bring us forward in time?  Do we start off with one vision of M.A.S.K. based on the "Real" M.A.S.K. and on on the new vision from IDW?

One thing is for certain, the revelation that Matt Trakker is now an African-American has caused some anger within the M.A.S.K. Community.  Please refer to my Blog Post "M.A.S.K. 1985-2016 - RIP Part 1" for my thoughts on the matter.

One M.A.S.K. fan, Brett Slakoff, has taken things into his own hands and started his own revolution.  He's started a Campaign to petition IDW to bring back the Matt Trakker we know and love.

So, what are your thoughts on the issue?  Feel free to leave comments below or over on my M.A.S.K. Facebook Page to vent or share your thoughts.

Whilst I'm here - the only chatter I've heard so far is from M.A.S.K. fans.  What do Transformers, G. I. Joe, Action Man, ROM and Micronauts fans think about the whole shared Multiverse and the rebirth of all the comics?

#assembleMASK #MASKComics

 #MASKCrusade #IDW #Transformers #ROM

#Micronauts #actionman #GIJoe

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