Friday 17 April 2020

Is Hondo MacLean the key to a M.A.S.K. Movie?

If you have read my previous blogposts, you'll know that I'm not a fan of the IDW reboot of M.A.S.K. - now under the "M.A.S.K. - Mobile Armored Strike Kommand" title trademarked by Hasbro.  The only thing that was good about the comics was some of the cover artwork.

Overall, the story telling, the premise, the changes and mostly the merging of all Hasbro owned properties into one universe, just didn't work.

One of the most divisive issues surrounded the M.A.S.K. team leader, Matt Trakker.  In the "real" M.A.S.K. from our youths, it didn't matter whether the cartoon, UK or US comics, Matt was a late 20's/early 30's, rich, white billionaire philanthropist.  In the IDW carnage, he became a young, troublesome, black youth.  Whether you loved or hated them, we also no longer and Scott and T-Bob who are central to M.A.S.K.

I've heard two differing reasons for the change.  The first was that the writer of the comic, Brandon Easton, wanted the change.  The other is that Hasbro want properties that don't have a white leading figure to appeal to the more Politically Correct world that we find ourselves in.

So, in order to have a key African American character, they favoured to change the central character of Matt from White to Black to fit some agenda.  Perhaps it was Brandon Easton who decided to make the change - if it was, this would reflect a very poor writing decision on his part.  Why change the leader's ethnicity when you have a perfect character in Hondo MacLean that you've not even included in your comic?

I'm no stranger to a M.A.S.K. script having written one of my own - unfortunately, I didn't get very far with Hasbro on it.  I do think that most of the IDW changes were due to DIC developing the characters in the cartoons - giving them their familiar backstories that we know and love - and Hasbro may have to change it so that they are not in an infringement with the new owners of DIC.  This could be part of the reason my script didn't get very far with them as my script kept similarities to the original M.A.S.K.

So, why do I think Hondo is key to a M.A.S.K. Movie?

When I wrote my script, it was left on a cliffhanger - one of the character's fates is in limbo and we are unsure if she is dead or alive or even where she is.  This was then going to be the catalyst for the sequel.

As well as that concept, I was also working on a concept of a standalone movie that would centre around Hondo MacLean.  As any fan of M.A.S.K. will know, all of the vehicles have a dual function - there is the "illusion" of a normal everyday vehicle and the "reality" of an armoured assault vehicle or similar.

One of Hondo's vehicles, Hurricane, is a strange one to try and shoehorn into a story.

In my opinion, there's only one of two ways that a M.A.S.K. movie can go - either it's set in it's original time of the mid-80's - this has worked extremely well for Stranger Things and Bumblebee - or it needs to be of now.  The style and vehicles of IDW's comic was neither - relying on basing the vehicles on technology stolen from Transformers - and they look shit.

Hurricane doesn't really fit into either the 1980's or the 2020's - it's a '57 Chevy and may look out of place.  In my idea for a standalone movie, it would be set in Cuba with Hondo being the main character.

Cuba is a nation of Prestige Classic 1950's American Automobiles.  Placing Hondo in this setting with Hurricane's illusion of a '57 Chevy would work extremely well. 

Many M.A.S.K. fans have always thought of M.A.S.K. as being a combination of G. I. Joe and Transformers....  I've always felt it was more akin to James Bond.  Hondo being undercover in Cuba would be a very James Bond-esque premise.

I don't think IDW were clever enough to give validity to M.A.S.K. - they don't know the characters, they don't know the vehicles and they don't know the Masks (they don't give the masks their names - these now seem to be code-names for the characters????).

If I were to write a M.A.S.K. script now, I would certainly change it.  If the narrative requires an African American Leader then Hondo would need to be key.  So, what would I do?

The original series of the cartoon differed slightly from the 10 Racing Series, the free mini comics with the toys, the UK Comics and the US Comics.  In the first series, Miles and his V.E.N.O.M. cohorts don't know the M.A.S.K. team.  There is one episode when they steal a crystal skull that gives them this insight but, by the end of the episode, all is forgotten.

In all the other material, including the Racing Series, Matt and Miles worked together on the M.A.S.K. project until Miles double-crossed Matt and stole half of the weapons.  What if this happened and Hondo then began to question the validity of the M.A.S.K. team?

What if Hondo questions whether Matt is part of Miles' plan and turns against him?  What if Hondo set up his own team not trusting Matt and Miles - fighting against both?

We would still have the M.A.S.K. we know and love - but, with a third rogue element of Hondo.  Many stories feature the struggle between good and evil.  But, more and more stories, films, comics, books look into the grey area between good and evil.

Who didn't love Captain America Civil War when it was a story of two teams who both thought they were right be being manipulated by a third party?

M.A.S.K. vs V.E.N.O.M. vs Hondo's team.....  A classic trilogy that I think would add more to the story telling.  Obviously, at some point, Hondo's team would eventually merge back into M.A.S.K.

Instead of changing the ethnicity or gender of our heroes, this would allow for new diverse characters to enter the fold.  I'm the first to admit that there aren't enough female characters in M.A.S.K. and as diverse as it was, perhaps some of the character names (Ali Bombay and Nevada Rushmore) aren't that diverse?

If, has been reported, the F. Gary Gray is going to be the custodian in charge of bringing M.A.S.K. to life, I think that he needs to give the fans what they are expecting.  Otherwise, it will fall flat on it's face.

What are your thoughts?  Please leave them below or over on my M.A.S.K. Comics Page.

#MASKcomics #MASKcrusade #assembleMASK #FGaryGray


  1. I actually love your Blog on this...all valid points and from my perspective ALL AMAZING IDEAS. We need to keep fighting the good fight to let the powers that be KNOW what the M.A.S.K. movie COULD and SHOULD BE. THANK YOU

    1. Thank you for your comments. I was 13 when M.A.S.K. made it's way to the UK and have been a fan of it ever since. I didn't have many of the toys but collected the UK Comics and watch the Cartoons.

      Not sure if you are aware of my Facebook page over at
