Sunday 8 February 2015

Why I`ve been absent for so long

I thought I`d do a little post to let you all know why I`ve not been posting recently.

As I`m sure you all know, I`m a massive M.A.S.K. fan!  I`m lucky enough that growing up, I started collecting the UK M.A.S.K. Comics from the very start and stuck with them.

This was unusual for me as I would normally only find out about great comics after they had been around for a few issues and quite often they wouldn`t quite hold my interest.

After I finished writing my M.A.S.K. script I realised that I may have to promote myself to other M.A.S.K. fans.  I`m too sure why.  It wasn`t anything that I`d ever considered doing before.

Through my blog I`ve come in contact with some really great people who appreciated where I`m coming from with my love of M.A.S.K.  The build up to #MASKday was great and I worked hard with fellow M.A.S.K. fan sites.

But, there comes a time when you have to take a back seat for a while.  I work long hours and this is a big year for my son as he started school in August.  There are a lot of things going on right now.

I guess there was also the realisation that trying to get my script read by Hasbro was going to be a bigger challenge than I thought it was going to be and I`ve come to the conclusion that the likely hood of my script reaching anyone at Hasbro is very slim.

It pains me to see something so great that has so much potential be a wasted opportunity.

The other issue that I have is that there are now a lot of M.A.S.K. fan sites and Facebook Pages out there and at times we are just duplicating each others work.  When I make a post I know these will be shared by the owners of the other sites - and I`ll do the same for them.

We mutually respect each other.

The problem is, I know that I`ve liked many M.A.S.K. Pages and joined lots of Groups and when the same things are posted on all of the sites it gets a bit repetitive.  I worry sometimes that readers will get fed up of seeing the same thing numerous times on their wall.

So I`m going to try and keep my posts to a minimum and not share them as much.  This is due to not having as much free time and not wanting to "force" my page onto people.

Yes, it would be great to have more likes and page views, but what is important is making sure that those of you whom I reach enjoy what I`m posting.

I also said a while back that if my script isn`t made into a movie that I`d make it available for people to read it online.  I`m going to give it one more go to try and get it noticed and if nothing comes of it, I`ll need to find a way to post it on my blog for people to read.

Having a look through my blog history, I`ve realised that the last comic review I did was in November 2013 - I can`t believe it`s been so long - so I`m hoping to get back on the plan soon.

I do have another project in mind but I need to get into writing mode and make a start on it.  If I manage to write it, I`m hoping to start a Kickstarter campaign to get it off the ground.

#assembleMASK #Hasbro #MASKComics

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